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Happy holidays and happy new year!

Carson Vexed

Wow what a year it's been! I look back at who I was at the beginning of the year vs who I am today and I have come so far.

It may not seem like it but I have actually done a lot. It's been one helluva year, I changed jobs twice ! I went from waiting tables, to rolling joints and now I play with lasers! Yeah it's been a wild year.

Also I have slowly been growing my social media presence across a variety platforms. Even though this is my first year post graduation, it has still need a very educational year.

I've been learning about marketing, not just marketing products but myself as well. I'm somewhat reserved when it comes to social media, I've never liked to post. Maybe it's because I fear how people perceive me. I realize that that's actually kinda selfish. I like what I make, and I want to be apart of the creative community a lot more. This coming year I'm going to actively be there, contributing in my own way

But this was really just the beginning if I'm honest I haven't even gotten started yet, just testing the waters.

Edit: I got invited back to pancakes and booze at the tangent gallery on February 16th come say hi and get some free pancakes!

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